Vitiligo is a very common skin problem that causes loss of the color of the skin. Vitiligo occurs when the pigment that produces cells dies or stops functioning. Vitiligo can be at any part of the body like hairs, mouth, or eyes.
Vitiligo is caused due to less amount of a pigment called melanin in the skin. Melanocytes and melanin are responsible for the color of the skin and if there are not enough melanocytes a condition called vitiligo may develop. Vitiligo is white patches on the skin.
Out treatment
Although there is no guaranteed cure for vitiligo sometimes these white patches of vitiligo may also go away on their own. And if it doesn’t happen, then our doctors will also prescribe treatment that will balance your skin tone. Most of these treatments are to be done by the doctor and are not preferred to be tried at home.
Vitiligo is such a skin condition that cannot be treated. There are cosmetic treatments available that will reduce the appearance of vitiligo but there is nothing that cures it. Treatments are known to slow the spread of vitiligo, which is done by regrowth of melanocytes and improving the appearance of the white patched skin.