The derma Fillers are helpful to reduce facial lines and restore volume and fullness to the face. With age, you may lose face fat and so the facial muscles closer to the skin may appear more apparent.
Derma fillers are very helpful when you have early signs of aging and so you have your facial rejuvenation surgery. However, derma fillers are temporary treatments and ongoing treatments will be required to treat facial aging.
Our Treatments
The dermatologist will help you create a smoother and fuller appearance of your face with derma fillers. As the derma fillers are naturally absorbed over time, you need to come over for re-treatment for the desired effect. Successful results of derma fillers depend upon the volume and the types of fillers used.
The Derma fillers plump thin lips, enhance shallow counters, soften facial creases, wrinkles, improve the appearance of recessed scars, reconstruct contour deformities in the face and decrease the shadow of the lower lids.